Hey there, fellow wanderers!

Welcome to my cozy blog about Scotland. I’m Alisa, your guide to the quirkiest and most exciting corners of Scotland. I’m always ready to share the best tips for traveling around the country. Now, fasten your seatbelts because I’m about to take you on a wild ride through the land of tartans, bagpipes, and endless beauty.

I’ve been living in Edinburgh for over a decade, so I’ve had my fair share of kilts, haggis, and enchanting castles. If you’re looking to explore Scotland with a touch of humor, then I’m your gal. After all, life’s too short not to laugh until your belly aches, right?

Now, let’s dive into the madness of my Scottish escapades. As I wandered through the breathtaking landscapes, encountering the occasional mystical creature (cue Nessie), I couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer beauty surrounding me. If Scotland were a painting, it would undoubtedly be an abstract masterpiece of vibrant hues and dramatic landscapes.

But let’s get back to the funny side of things. Picture this: me, a self-proclaimed adventurer, attempting to hike up a majestic hill. The view was supposedly worth it, but what they didn’t mention was the level of endurance required. I huffed and puffed my way up, pausing every few steps to catch my breath and reconsider my life choices. Oh, the things we do for an Instagram-worthy photo!

As we journey together through my tales, I’ll ensure you’re armed with all the essential tips and tricks to conquer Scotland like a seasoned traveler. From must-visit landmarks to hidden pubs that serve the finest drams of whisky, I’ve got your back. Trust me, I’ve learned the hard way—the locals make the best travel guides. They know the secret spots and the juiciest stories that’ll leave you grinning from ear to ear.

Don’t forget to join me on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, where I regularly post content about traveling around Scotland.

Instagram – @wondersofscotland_ Facebook – Wonders of Scotland YouTube – Alisa Volter